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Artist and researcher
working at the intersection
of performance, visual arts
and critical theory. 


Just Songs  

Arabic Letter Seen س
Arabic Letter Wow و

Of Quiet Whispers and Loud Speakers 

A Loud Voice Never Dies

Lovesong Revolution
The Post National Anthems
Empty Orchestra
Watani Al Akbar  


Theater of Operations, Exhibition
MoMA PS1, New York
Research Fellow 2019/2020      
BAK, basis voor actuele kunst
Post Opera, Exhibition

Delfina Foundation, Residency

             ︎   ︎   ︎   ︎   ︎   

Copyright © 2023, Urok Shirhan.
All rights reserved. 

Sound Without Image 
صوت بدون صورة

Sound Without Image صوت بدون صورة is a Live Show I am hosting on Radio Alhara, every first Tuesday of the month at 6pm Palestine time.

I initially sought to use the space of Sound Without Image to think through the recent experience of socially distant collective listening and our changing perspectives on sound (without images) — as well as to simply stay in ‘touch’ with friends and colleagues in the time of continuous lockdowns.

The first episode aired on October 6, in the form of a trip down memory lane that included a selection of tracks exclusively by musicians I have seen perform live, once upon a time B.C. (before covid). The second episode aired on November 3, and was dedicated to the work of Iraqi ‘monologuist’ Aziz Ali.